

Environmental Protection


Environmental Protection - ASAKA TEXTILE

Concern from the environment Asaka Textile

Eco-friendly Asaka Textile Technologies

Asaka Textile cleaning Technology

Asaka Textile eco-friendly requirements

Environmental Protection - ASAKA TEXTILE

Concern from the environment Asaka Textile

Eco-friendly Asaka Textile Technologies

Asaka Textile cleaning Technology

Asaka Textile eco-friendly requirements

Environmental Protection - ASAKA TEXTILE

Concern from the environment Asaka Textile

Eco-friendly Asaka Textile Technologies

Asaka Textile cleaning Technology

Asaka Textile eco-friendly requirements

Environmental Protection - ASAKA TEXTILE

Concern from the environment Asaka Textile

Eco-friendly Asaka Textile Technologies

Asaka Textile cleaning Technology

Asaka Textile eco-friendly requirements

Environmental Protection - ASAKA TEXTILE
Concern from the environment Asaka Textile
Eco-friendly Asaka Textile Technologies
Asaka Textile cleaning Technology
Asaka Textile eco-friendly requirements
Environmental Protection - ASAKA TEXTILE
Concern from the environment Asaka Textile
Eco-friendly Asaka Textile Technologies
Asaka Textile cleaning Technology
Asaka Textile eco-friendly requirements

Environmental Protection

Our company is a supporter of environmental protection and in the production of our products we try to eliminate any damage that has irreversible consequences for the environment. That is why our factories use waste-water treatment technology that uses membrane bioreactors. The main function of which is the deep treatment of industrial wastewater of dye production with re-use of treated water for production needs in the territory of Asaka Textile.


All our products meet environmental requirements and are 100% organic cotton because this type of cotton is grown without the use of environmentally harmful chemicals.


Asaka Textile monitors the energy consumption on its own production, the absence of chemical components in products, and attempts to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

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